A Case History of success

Who is?

Established in 1998, La Maddalena is a highly-specialised private hospital facility that first opened in 1999. In the last ten years in operation, it has received and treated about 43,000 patients for a total of around 98,000 admissions (including Ordinary, Day Hospital and Day Services).

It consists of two buildings connected by overhead walkways, one on each floor, for a total of approximately 30,100 square metres, with 177 authorised and accredited beds overall.

What does it do?

La Maddalena is a private, highly-specialised hospital facility that, amongst its main objectives, measures the perceived quality, which has always been a fundamental pillar for carrying out continuous quality improvement studies of the healthcare services.

La Maddalena’s objectives: to ensure access to care in the shortest possible time and a continuous pursuit of ever-more ambitious and patient-centred goals.

How does it work?

Amongst the assessable outcomes of a health service, user satisfaction and family satisfaction play a central role. Assessing satisfaction is important since there is evidence that poor satisfaction is associated with poor upkeep of treatment, which is likely to prevent the achievement of positive health outcomes.

Through the use of SeiSoddisfatto?, La Maddalena was able to collect the opinions of numerous users and to enable internal evaluation and improvement through a comparison with national benchmarks.

Why us?

  • SeiSoddisfatto? allows La Maddalena to set up compilation paths with no constraints on either the number of active questionnaires or the type of question;
  • SeiSoddisfatto? allows La Maddalena to activate several questionnaires on the same device;
  • SeiSoddisfatto? allows La Maddalena to carry out internal surveys to monitor the degree of satisfaction of its employees;
  • SeiSoddisfatto? allows La Maddalena to collate in-depth surveys by type of service provided;
  • SeiSoddisfatto? analyses the internal NPS benchmark that can be compared with national indices.


M. L. AMARÙ e D. Di Vincenzo

Quality and Training Office

“We are very keen to offer healthcare that aligns as much as possible with the needs of our patients, from a medical and healthcare point of view, but above all from a human point of view. With SeiSoddisfatto?, we give a voice to our patients who can express their opinions and provide us with important recommendations for our services.”

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